Already based on the site is the University Campus of Football Business (UCFB) and this revolutionary development will see The Hive London accommodate further Sports Science and Campus facilities; allowing the next generation of professionals in the sport to develop and hone their talents in a venue that will undoubtedly be recognized worldwide as the very best.
The plans, which were validated by Harrow Council earlier this week, also provide for Hotel and Medical accommodation, so that teams training or patients attending the site will be able to stay overnight widening the support offered to them.
In addition, The Hive London which already boasts a state-of-the-art CT and MRI Diagnostic Centre run by TIC Health, that has been busy helping the NHS with non-COVID patient scanning services during the pandemic, is now looking to widen its medical offering to include a new Cancer Screening Centre. The added medical rooms and two new Canon PET Scanners will catapult the medical provision beyond anything available at any Sports and Leisure facility in the world.
Chairman Tony Kleanthous stated:
“At a time when there has been so much doom and gloom and negativity in the business and economic outlook, a small group of staff and I have been busily working to finalise our preparations to map out the future for the Club and the Hive. I hinted to supporters in my last Q&A that there would be exciting news to come and this planning application presents the next phase in our evolution.
“There is still much to do but in Harrow we have found a home that we can develop into a world-class facility and we hope we can repay the faith which the Council and the community have shown in us. Make no mistake; if these plans are approved, it will make a bold statement for Harrow Council and show they will be leading the country in supporting sports-based education and medical facilities at The Hive, which is now recognised as an international venue. We are all very excited for the future; the future reimagined.”
The next phase will bring spending at the Hive London to £100m and create 500 new local jobs and significant local facilities in the London Borough of Harrow.
For more information, the full Design & Access Statement created by our partners in this project; WSP Indigo Planning together with AndArchitects, can be viewed HERE
You can see our flythrough video of the proposed plans below: