The brand new Bees Membership is simple. You sign up, pay for any number of months you choose up front or join a monthly direct debit plan.
When you join you will also have to pay a joining fee equating to a month’s membership and, if you come off your membership you will have to go through the joining process again upon rejoining.
The main question we’re asking is why would you want to leave?
Signing up before June 30th 2013 will give you access to every home first-team match at The Hive plus every WSL, Academy and pre-season friendly fixture held at the Bees’ new home.
Your first DD payment will not be taken from your bank until August 1st so join up now!
Supporters have asked why the club prefers monthly payments as opposed to a one off payment, this is simple too! By having a monthly payment we can make special offers, e.g. ‘free beer for £5 per month’ and incorporate this into your membership at the click of the mouse. So that’s it… simple!
Here at Barnet we understand the need to listen to you, the supporters, so with that in mind we are now updating the membership regularly based on the feedback we receive.
Existing Season Ticket Holders and existing members who sign up before July 31st can get a Concession ticket if they fall in the Over-60s category rather than Over-65s for new members. You will keep this benefit for the duration of your membership.
Existing Season Ticket Holders and Members who had a Student Concession ticket can continue as a Concession until they complete their course.
So don’t delay! Sign up to a new Bees Membership now!